2013년 11월 26일 화요일

[USA] BLOOD DRIVE WINTER 2009 _ World Mission Society Church of God

The World Mission Society Church of God was very excited to host its first ever blood drive on December 27, 2009. Community Blood Services came to the Church of God in Ridgewood, NJ not expecting 196 individuals ready and willing to give blood. After hemoglobin testing, 181 people who attended the Church’s first drive were able to donate. All the participants were very excited to learn that due to their sacrifice, together they could save up to 543 lives.
Blood is the very source of life. The Church of God decided to hold this event in order to demonstrate this fact to members as well as to the community at large. This inaugural blood drive raised awareness of the necessity of blood to live. The Bible shares the same message. In the same way we receive life from our physical fathers and mothers through a combination of their blood, so the children of God receive eternal life from their spiritual Father and their spiritual Mother. Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem give us Their blood through the New Covenant Passover. It is through the Passover feast that we become one with God, true children of God.
Realizing the dire need for blood, especially in the summer and winter months, the Church of God decided to host semi-annual blood drives in partnership with Community Blood Services, after a first successful blood drive.

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