2013년 11월 27일 수요일

[USA] BLOOD DRIVE SUMMER 2010 _ World Mission Society Church of God

On July 10, 2010, the World Mission Society Church of God joined efforts with Community Blood Services to hold a blood drive, bringing hundreds of donors to give their time and blood to help save a life.
Every 2 seconds, someone needs blood in the United States – that could very well be any our family members, friends or even ourselves. Even though there are over 8 million residents in the state of New Jersey, only 3 percent of the population donates blood. To address this dire need, the members of the Church of God were moved to take action.
Beginning early in the morning, approximately 270 members of the Church of God in New York as well as members of the community came out to participate in the blood drive. With radiant smiles, volunteers of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds came together with one mind and heart to take part in a great deed.
The actual process of donating blood too about 60 minutes for each donor as only one unit of blood is collected. The staff from Community Blood Services guided volunteers through the process of registering as donors and then, trained phlebotomists gently finished the blood drawing process. Once completed, donors were escorted to an observation area with refreshments and allowed to rest.
Just like a Mother is concerned with the well-being and livelihood of her children, so the Church of God aims to deliver the love of Mother and help save lives, not just in the state of New Jersey, but in the entire world.

댓글 1개:

  1. To deliver the love of Heavenly Mother, all the blood donors of world mission society church of God have bright smile on their faces~:)
