2013년 11월 28일 목요일

[USA] BLOOD DRIVE WINTER 2010 _World Mission Society Church of God

December 26, 2010 was not a typical day for the staff of Community Blood Services. Despite sixteen inches of snow falling in the midst of one of the biggest blizzards of the winter, the World Mission Society Church of God carried out its now semi-annual blood drive in partnership with Community Blood Services. With over 500 registered donors now, this third blood drive was an extraordinary effort that would not only benefit patients at local hospitals, but also bring together the hearts of those who participated.
As the snow fell steadily outside, more and more volunteers showed up from all of the Churches of God in the New York Metropolitan Area for the opportunity  to share Heavenly Mother’s love with those in need. Studies have shown that one blood donation can save up to three lives. Through the kindness and love of the volunteers of the Church of God who donated blood during this event, approximately 1,500 lives were saved! Patrice Foresman, Director of Donor Recruitment, stated that this was one of the best blood drives they held all year.
Additionally, Community Blood Services presented Pastor Daniel Lee and the World Mission Society Church of God with a Certificate of Appreciation for their continuous effort to alleviate the shortage of blood in New Jersey. 
Without Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem’s teachings of love and Her continuous example as the Good Samaritan in this age, this would not have been possible. Although Community Blood Services called the Church of God donors heros, the ultimate Hero is Heavenly Mother, who grants the true gift of life: eternal life.
-World Mission Society Church of God in USA 

댓글 1개:

  1. Heavenly Mother who grants us the true gift of life: eternal life is the ultimate Hero!! I think because of Her, blood donors can have bright smile~:)
