2013년 9월 9일 월요일

[Panama]World Mission Society Church of God clean up the mangrove forest.

There was an activity-environmental cleanup campaign.Everywhere in World Mission Society Church of God make the world clean with the mind of love of God and joy.

The members are removing mattresses from mangrove forest.

Cleaned up our community

In commemoration of the Day of the New Jerusalem, around 50 members of the World Mission Society Church of God conducted a campaign to clean up the mangroves of Viejo, Panama yesterday. Along with volunteers from the National Environmental Authority, they collected all kinds of waste, from mattresses to tree trunks.

“We carried out this activity in order to contribute in some way to clean up the country, which is everyone's responsibility,” said Rolando Allamby, spokesman of the Church of God.

Rolando added, “Through the clean-up campaign, we removed a lot of waste entangled among mangroves. Such waste is possible to cause fish to be killed.”

Maria E. Gonzalez : "I'm happy to work with cleaning up my country. It is our duty to help our neighbors."
Yitzeli Figueroa : "I feel happy to help keep our planet clean. It is everyone's duty to protect the environment."

댓글 4개:

  1. Through this clean-campaign, we can also clean-up our minds

    1. And helping others, we receive movement. It makes members of WMSCOG more happy.

  2. My church, WMSCOG practices the love of Elohim God.
    I hope the whole world will be cleaner through this campaign

    1. This campaign looks small. Everything starts from the small. And that make the world change.
