2013년 8월 26일 월요일

[UK]Members of the World Mission Society Church of God working in the South Street area

World Mission Society Church of God shines the light of Elohim God who are the Spirit and the Bride[God the Father and God the Mother; Rev. 22:17] according to the bible. 
Members of the World Mission Society Church of God working in the South Street area
Members of the World Mission Society Church of God have worked with local councillors to clean up areas surrounding South Street, Rochdale.

The group met on Wednesday 21 August to clean rubbish from the area and many local residents came out of their homes to help. Mayor Peter Rush also attended the clean up to support the volunteers.

Members of the Church have cleaned up through the whole of Greater Manchester and have cleaned areas such as Rochdale, Trafford, Salford, Bolton, Bury, Oldham, Tameside, Stockport, Wigan and Prestwich. The group plan to go everywhere that they can make a change.

The clean up campaign hopes to inform people of the seriousness of environmental issues.

댓글 1개:

  1. I want to see after cleanup. Maybe I think that the street become beautiful like the new~:)
