As people living together on one planet, using the air, water and resources given by God, the members from the World Mission Society Church of God feel obligated to look after it. The air affects our breathing, the water affects what we put into our bodies and the trees and plants affect our health. The world we live in therefore is inextricably related to each of us and the members of the Church of God want to make it a more beautiful environment for everyone to share.
Just as mother’s raise their children in a safe, clean and pure environment so they will grow well, similarly, the love of Heavenly Mother is a motivation to the church members who work globally to clean up the environment for all people. Through vast cleanups of beaches, rivers, oceans and lakes as well as environmental planting efforts, the Church of God is sharing the love of Mother with the world.
Yes, the motivation globally to clean up the environment for all people is from the love of Heavenly Mother. That's the reason~:)